Monday, April 21, 2014

Why Copper Piping is the Way to Go

In the world today everything is always changing.  The way we do our hair, install cabinets & even perform plumbing, but one thing is always the same, the use of copper piping in the home.  There are so many great benefits to using copper piping in your home that it is almost a shame if you ever use anything else.  Below you will find many great reasons why you should choose copper pipes in your home  every time.

Resists Bacteria

When you think about the types of products which pass through your copper piping it makes total sense that you want something that is Bacteriostatic or resists the growth of bacteria .  Copper piping cannot grow bacteria which makes it the perfect option for your fresh water for drinking and bathing.

Resists Extreme Temperatures

Whether you have extremely hot or cold water running through your pipes, copper pipes are built to withstand it all.  They are made to carry water through the home without changing the temperature of the water.

Easy To Use

If you are going to be installing your own piping you want something that is easy to work with and fun to use.  Copper Pipes can be quite soft and can easily be bended and moved around for all your install needs.  You will love how easy it is to work with.
Can Out Live Your Home

You heard me right, copper pipes can out live the actual home they are installed in.  They are designed with quality materials that are built to last.  When it comes to copper pipes you get what you pay for.  If you pay for some cheap plastic pipes to go in your home you may find yourself replacing them years down the road, if you purchase copper pipes for your home you may never have to change them ever which makes them totally worth the cost.

Keeps You and Your Loved Ones Safe

If you had plastic or some other form of piping installed in your home and a fire occurred you may find yourself with all kinds of problems.  Copper piping on the other hand is made to withstand extreme heat.  Therefore if you have a fire in your home it won't melt, burn, or even give off toxic fumes.  This is why copper piping really is the way to go.

Keeping Your Home Safe One Pipe at a Time

Whether you are moving into a new home already built or moving, it's so important to know what type of plumbing the home will be having.  If they used cheap materials to install their pipes it might be a good idea to upgrade to some better ones or choose a different home.  When we built our home we found copper pipe for sale at for a very affordable price.  They were great to work with and helped us get the best deal out there.   I believe that copper pipe in a home is the only way to go.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

How to Plant a Garden

How to Plant a Garden
Planting a garden can be a lot of fun, and can be very rewarding if you know what you are doing.  If you don't know what you are doing, it can be a lot of work and a hassle.  Today I have come up with a few simple tips on how to plant a garden like a professional.
Step 1:  Find Good Quality Dirt
It sounds so simple, but is so important.  The right soil can make all the difference when you are planting seeds.  The right soil will give your plants the proper nutrients they need to grow and survive.  There are certain types of soil that certain types of plants need to be planted in.  Make sure you know what type of soil you need for your garden before you plant your seeds.
Step 2:  Plant Seeds
Planting seeds is something that you need to put a lot of thought into.  You don't want to plant a plant that overgrows right next to something small.  This will completely over take your small plant.  Always read the instructions and know exactly what the plants you are planting will do.  Maybe even draw up a map showing how you want to plant your crop.
Step 3:  Care for Your Harvest
Once you have planted your seeds you will need to take the steps necessary to care for  them.  By doing things like weeding your garden, watering your garden, and even fertilizing your garden, you are taking the steps necessary to grow a successful crop.
A Garden Most People Only Dream Of
By following my steps above you will be doing your part to create a garden most individuals can only dream about.  By finding the right soil, planting seeds, and caring for those seeds, you will find that your garden will be very successful.  Don't wait for your next harvest to decide you should have followed these steps, start planting like a pro by following them today.
To get some advice or help for your garden check out

Thursday, October 10, 2013

How To Install A Wood Stove In Your Home

Many people believe that installing a wood stove in their home is a lot of work so they never even try, they either spend a fortune to pay someone to come do it for them, or they just never install it.  If these individuals knew how easy installing a fireplace really is they would totally get one for their home.  If you are looking to get a wood stove for your house, or are even thinking about getting one,  you should totally install it yourself, here are the steps to take.

First-Prep the area, find an area where you can place your stove.  It's important to find a place that is downstairs or on the main floor, heat always rises, so when you place your wood stove upstairs it has a hard time making it downstairs.  That is why it's so important to place your stove in a place where the heat can rise.  It's also important to place it in a location that is easy to get to.  Could you imagine trying to stock a wood stove in a location that has tight quarters where you can barely move?  It would be very difficult.

Next -Install the metal piping for the chimney.  This is heavy duty piping that goes up the chimney, and connects to the wood burning stove.  It's always smart to get this installed before the actual stove part, once you get this part installed you can easily slip your stove into place.  When we built our new home they roughed in our chimney to our basement, and put the metal piping in for us so when we purchased our wood burning we could easily slip it into place.

Then-Purchase a quality stove to put into place.  Once you purchase your stove it really is so easy to install into place.  The hardest part about installing the actual stove is carrying it to the place where you need it.  Our cast iron wood stove we installed in our home is very heavy duty and was very tough to carry down the stairs.   Be sure to find some friends or loved ones to help you so you don't hurt your back in the process.  Once you get your stove into the spot you want it all you have to do is connect the metal piping to the stove.  Then you can start your fire and enjoy the warmth from it all year long.

If you have never had a wood burning stove you really have no idea what you are missing out on.  A wood burning stove is not only a great way to heat your house, but it's also a great decoration to your home as well.  Every winter I look forward to the time when I get to start our wood burning stove for the first time, and love to lay next to it. I found a place to buy fireplaces online at  They have a large variety of wood burning stoves and gas stoves for some pretty great deals.  You definitely will need to check them out.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

How Simple It Is To Use Ridgid Parts

Not long ago I found myself with a clogged bathtub.  It drained super slow, so anytime I took a shower the tub would fill up as if I was taking a bath.  I would be taking a shower with my feet ankle deep in water.  After I had had enough my husband went out and bought some ridgid drain cleaning tools to take care of the problem.  Once he got the parts he needed we got the drain fixed in no time at all, and I could actually enjoy taking a shower again.

Many individuals out there don't fully realize how easy fixing things like a clogged drain, or even a leaky pipe can be to do on their own.  Instead, they call a professional plumber to come take care of the task when if they had the right ridgid parts they could have fixed the problem on their own in no time at all.  I have a friend who refuses to buy any tools because she swears that she could never use them.  She just doesn't understand how easy they are to use.  The purpose of my blog post today is for people like my friend who think using ridgid tools is too hard, or impossible.  I want individuals out there to realize just how easy it is to use power tools & parts, that is the purpose of my post today.

Ridgid Drain Cleaning Tools-Are simple and easy to use.  All the ridgid tools come with easy to read instructions to help even the most inexperienced person unclog a drain.  If you aren't an expert, these tools are for you.  They are easy to use, and can be a lot of fun.

Ridgid Air Tools-Once you have used an electric staple gun on a project around your house you will 1, realize just how easy it is to use, and 2 you will love how quickly you can get through a project.  The ridgid line of tools has many great & easy to use air tools that can make any project a breeze.

Ridgid Power Tools-I don't consider myself an expert when it comes to using power tools, but whenever I use the Ridgid power tools I find that they are easy to use, and very simple to understand.  If you ever have a question about how a particular tool works you can follow the easy to read instructions on the packaging.

Once you discover how easy it is to use ridgid parts & tools you will wonder why you waited this many years to start using them.  Don't be part of the percent of people who go their whole life without owning their own tools.  These individuals end up spending hundreds of thousands of dollars over their lifetime because they refuse to fix the problem on their own.  Don't let this be you, go out and buy some ridgid parts today and discover how easy projects around the house can really be.